When I first published my book, Letters to Matthew, I felt extremely uncomfortable. What if people wanted to read it or what if they didn’t? Sharing my book with the world was allowing other people, including complete strangers, into my personal world. I experienced lots of conflicting thoughts and feelings. A few weeks after my book…

Throughout my book ‘Letters to Matthew – Life After Loss’ I write about various techniques that I use in my private complementary therapy practice. These include a tapping technique, known as the Emotional Freedom Technique’s (EFT) and Matrix Reimprinting. EFT is a constantly evolving technique of which there are many variations, but it is commonly…

The human emotion of grief is one of the most difficult experiences we encounter and it cannot be side tracked, it has to be felt. The early weeks, months and years of grief are brutal, and for some it can be never-ending. My position as a therapist equips me with lots of tools to use…

I will never forget being with my son Matthew when he was diagnosed with cancer, and the mixed emotions we felt shook us to the core. Shock, fear, anger, denial, helplessness, hopelessness, sadness, and frustration overwhelmed us in that moment. I remember how we held each other so tight. We both shook and trembled uncontrollably,…