Ambiguous grief represents a unique and complex form of mourning that occurs when there is no clear resolution or closure surrounding a loss. Whether it is due to missing persons or the mental deterioration of a loved one, ambiguous grief challenges an individuals’ ability to mourn, accept, and adapt. This kind of grief can occur…

I wonder if people look at me sometimes and think I’ve got my stuff together. Well, I do post inspirational quotes on social media and I’ve written two books on grief and I have a podcast about grief – so I must be doing okay! Little do people know but sharing information about grief on…

Written by Bill, Matthew’s dad. It is my birthday today. I am 64 years of age and to be honest I didn’t think I would make it this far. Not by a long way. My Dad died in his early 50’s and looking back on that now it seems crazy. He was an amazing Dad…

My all time favourite memory is of a family holiday on a beach when our children were young. When I think about it now, I am back there amid the sights and sounds and seaside smells. I can time travel and relive that wonderful time in my life once again. Over time memories are destined…