Every year, I receive a reminder for my annual ultrasound scan. This is necessary due to the genetic predisposition to Matthew’s rare and aggressive form of kidney cancer. While I appreciate the importance of being screened, I can’t help but feel a surge of guilt when the results come back normal. This feeling is commonly…

The term anticipatory grief was first introduced by Erich Lindeman in 1944 to explain the dread and emotional preparation of families waiting for any news about their loved ones fighting in World War two.  It is a term used to describe the emotional process of mourning and preparing for the impending loss of a loved…

I loved the series ‘After Life’ by Ricky Gervais. His character Tony found that life without his late wife Lisa was meaningless. Feeling like he had nothing to live for, he spent his days being uncomfortably insensitive to his colleagues, the postman, supermarket workers and even children. Wearing his armour of grief, he navigated his…

Grief is a lonely journey for the griever no matter how much support is offered. It’s a unique experience and nobody can fully comprehend the internal pain and suffering each person goes through. I have learned a lot along the way and I now have a passion to help others going through a similar journey….